We used two trusted background check services to see what they had for Jeff.
These services pull their information - including criminal record information - from publicly available data. If a US state or county shares its data, these background check services have access to it.
Wisconsin shares its data, as you shall see. So does Ohio.
So, here's what we found for Jeff using both services: One conviction for aggravated murder in Ohio. That’s it. Nothing for Wisconsin.
The first background check service:
The second background check service:
We then ran a background check on Father Peter Burns, the priest who was friends with the Sinthasomphone family and who was convicted of 2nd Degree Sexual Assault in Wisconsin. Would his conviction show up on a background check?
Yes. Wisconsin is sharing his conviction information because it's real. He was actually arrested and convicted for 2nd Degree Sexual Assault in Wisconsin. This is a serious charge that will never be expunged from his record.
Note that Wisconsin isn't sharing any criminal record information for Jeff. Jeff was arrested in Wisconsin in 1982 for peeing in public. He paid a $50 fine, and it was eventually expunged from his record because it wasn’t serious.
It seems that the whole thing was about what happened in Ohio in 1978.
There are two theories so far about how Jeff Dahmer got mixed up in all this. Here’s our first theory and a theory that one of our subreddit members offered. Interestingly, this second theory answered some questions we had.
Which one do you prefer?
Excellent work and more compelling evidence that Milwaukee was theater.
Hey, listen. I read this site because I think your thesis is intriguing, but this isn't the evidence you think that it is. With that in mind, I hope you won't automatically bring down the ban hammer because of this comment. I really do find your ideas interesting. It reminds me a lot of Dave McGowan's Programmed to Kill, which I assume you're familiar with. I'm perfectly capable of reading and learning about opinions and concepts alternate to my own.
There aren't a lot of arrest records on the internet before certain years because there was no internet to upload them to. I've done Dahmer research for many years and spent two years researching and editing a book about him; I accessed all kinds of records, and I had to get the paper versions for many of them. But just as an example, I found this in thirty seconds, from the Wisconsin Court system website:
Dahmer wasn't convicted of any murders because he readily confessed to all of them. The trial was over whether he was sane or not—it wasn't over his guilt or innocence—and whether he would go to prison or a mental facility. They didn't have to convict him.
I haven't read all your posts yet and I don't intend to try to "prove" you wrong, but this one just doesn't support your idea.
I look forward to reading more of your work.