I definitely think you are on to something re Hicks' accidental death being hidden so that Jeff could act as cover for the perverted priests. But what I don't get is why the whole serial killer story, why 15 victims and not just one? Why create this whole complex convulted serial killer story and not just make one gruesome murder? Why risk having all these people in on it? What else was gained by creating this narrative? Why the the skull drilling? Why the keeping of and preserving body parts? All of these extra details create so many loose ends which you have shown are quite easy to unravel. Why were they so slack at this psyop?

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Hicks' death was covered up by Jeff and Lionel Dahmer in 1978. The Archdiocese had nothing to do with that. We think Jeff later confessed because it was such a burden. You can hear him talk about this here:


After Jeff confessed, some people connected to the Archdiocese heard about it and got involved. Perhaps they thought they could use this as a way to offload a coming lawsuit onto the city of Milwaukee by making up the story about the Laotian boy. The DA was a close friend of the Archbishop. Jeff Dahmer's psychologist later served on the advisory board for the Archdiocese. Jeff's lawyer Gerald Boyle was the lawyer for the accused priests etc.

Why not one gruesome murder? Because the intelligence agencies have been using these dramatic and unrealistic stories to make us think people like this are out there in the community roaming around. This gets us to distrust our neighbors, etc.

As for them being slack....this information was virtually impossible to uncover in the early 1990s. Much of it has only recently been declassified. They never expected anyone to look into it because people believe what they're told.

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Its divide and conquer, whipping up racial tensions, gaining support for these entities who say they will take care of it. The theme was also very anti-police. And yes, agree that they never foresaw that this story would still be getting so much attention 30 years later and the advent of the internet & data laws letting us access this information one day.

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Yeah I guess you are right. They must have also seen real results / tangible benefits with all these serial killer psyops otherwise why go to all this trouble and so many times.

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The talk about ''bloodlines'', etc. makes it sound like these people are omnipotent. That's not the case. These people are not SPECTRE. They're just a network of criminals, nothing more. We busted them easily.

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Are you referring to Mathis talking about bloodlines?

He would definitely agree these people are not omnipotent as he feels he has been able to easily bust them too, without even leaving his chair in front of his computer.

He is interested in the genealogy in the serial killer cases because he is of the view that intelligence likes to recruit family for many of the roles in these psyops because it is easy to control family (in other physops he is interested in it for different reasons) .

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The problem with this theory is that there's no way to prove it. This makes it harder for people doing real research to be taken seriously.

Why waste time on stuff like this?

Why have none of these people found ''victim'' Curtis Straughter's mugshots or ''victim'' Richard Guerrero's death certificate? Because they didn't look into anything.

My criticism of him (and I had never heard his name until you mentioned it) is that he published online some theory about Jeff Dahmer without a shred of evidence.

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They certainly helped divide the public over this, creating fear & contempt. A divided public is easier to control. There was also the Sinthasomphone claim against the police for their ‘negligence’ which was settled at $850k..and this story has also made millions with all the book deals, movies, talkshows etc. not bad for their initial outlay.

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Yeah definitely agree about the divided public. I saw that claim discussed but surely that claim and the movies and talkshows etc mostly benefited the Sinthasomphone family (financially) and really just helped intelligence by promoting the narrative created by them further. Or am I missing something?

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Sorry, book deals and talkshows wouldn't benefit the Sinthasomphone family unless they were involved but would rather benefit the authors etc.

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O OK, I see I misunderstood your info re Hicks and the priests then. The priests just used Dahmer's story at a later stage to avoid liability for the Laotian boy.

So you are saying you think it is most likely that Jeff confessed to all these murders because he wanted to keep his dad and step mom out of prison ( for aiding and abetting) and to get a less severe sentence/ get out of jail earlier (albeit by faking his death) for his accidental killing of Hicks?

Out of interest, was Lionel Dahmer ever in the Navy or Military?

So as far as I can tell, in the space of 35 years we have intelligence staging the Henry Lee Lucas murders, the Tate murders, Zodiac murders, unabomber murders, the Ted bundy murders, Cottingham murders and then Dahmer murders all to create/ manufacture instability and fear (mostly in young women) which presumably had many other beneficial spin off effects which benefited intelligence . Are there any real serial killers out there?

See Miles Mathis re the other murders I mentioned - http://mileswmathis.com/bestfake.html

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I think Jeff confessed because he wanted to unburden his soul. Then, they had him. His psychologist was connected to the Archdiocese. Was that how they found out?

Yes, I think some group of powerful individuals - probably an intelligence agency - made them a deal. You do this for us, and we'll do this for you. Your dad and stepmom won't spend a day in prison, and we'll stage a jailbreak for you after a couple of years. What would you say to avoid a life sentence in a maximum-security prison? Is this how they got other people to play along?

I don't think Lionel was in the military. I don't think this had anything to do with anyone's military experience. I think it was simply an accidental death covered up.

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Yes, definitely cannot count out the physchologists involvement and I guess nor can we exclude Jeff's conscience . Thanks so much for the work you did on the substack and all the replies, much appreciated! Will stay tuned for anything more you guys may uncover.

Ps. That bit re the body language specialists was a super interesting addition to all of this.

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Not aware of Lionel having been in the military although Jeff was. Yes we have to ask just how much of our history has been fabricated. The Dahmer case was pretty easy to uncover. People, especially true crime fans, have been asking many questions about this, there were so many inconsistencies which prompted us to research. There’s so much data out there that just wasn’t available a few years ago let alone 30 years ago. Guess we have Big Brother to thank for that.

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Yeah if you go read Miles Mathis' take on those other murders (link in my previous comment) he always finds that one of the main players is actually intelligence via the navy or military. That's why I asked.

You say Dahmer was quite easy to uncover, have you uncovered / have your suspicions about any others/events ?

I don't just accept as correct any history anymore especially events after 1947 (year 1 of CIA), mainly because of big brother and the information now discoverable/available on the internet. I am pretty sure most of recent history is fabricated and the rest has been rewritten.

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''he always finds that one of the main players is actually intelligence via the navy or military''

As in Jeff and Lionel Dahmer? Nobody is going to willingly put themselves out there for this kind of extreme public humiliation unless they're being coerced. Yes, I do think some intelligence agency put on this ''serial killer'' show. However, they didn't publicly humiliate one of their own. They cornered a vulnerable person and his father and then frightened them into making a deal. They knew two middle-class white men from the suburbs wouldn't tell them to go to hell.

This article talks about the FBI doing something similar to Muslims...making deals in exchange for leniency and then using those people to stage phony terrorism busts:


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Yeah I agree, if your not intelligence you are definitely going to have to be coerced. And yes I saw that link, I read your entire substack. But if you are an agent it's not humiliating it's your job, your an actor. You prepare and train for the role (dye your hair, grow a beard, get skinny /fat etc whatever is required), including being given an alias with a fake background, you play the role and then once done they extract you by faking your death and then your given another alias and you move on to your next role. It is in no way humiliating one of their own, it's what they do. Go read one or two of Mathis' papers on serial killers and you will see what I mean.

I am not saying your hypothesis is wrong re Dahmer, I was just asking re the military connection out of interest to see if anything else could be uncovered.

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The fed certainly stands out :)

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He sure does.

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These theories certainly distract from the truth, which is far simpler especially in light of how badly this ruse was planned, with its numerous oversights. It was just simply corruption.

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